Como nacen las banderas
Estan así hasta hoy nuestras banderas.
El pueblo las bordó con su ternura,
cosió los trapos com su sufrimiento.
Clavó la estrella com su mano ardiente.
Y cortó, de camisa o firmamento,
azul para la estrella de la patria.
El rojo, gota a gota, iba nasciendo.
El pueblo las bordó con su ternura,
cosió los trapos com su sufrimiento.
Clavó la estrella com su mano ardiente.
Y cortó, de camisa o firmamento,
azul para la estrella de la patria.
El rojo, gota a gota, iba nasciendo.
Como nascem as bandeiras
O povo as bordou com sua ternura,
coseu os trapos com seu sofrimento.
Cravou a estrela com sua mão ardente.
E cortou de camisa o firmamento
azul para a estrela da pátria.
O vermelho, gota a gota, ia nascendo.
How flags are born
That’s how our flags are to this day
the people embroidered them with their tenderness,
sewed the rags with their suffering.
They fastened the star with their burning hands.
And cut, from shirt or firmament,
blue for the country’s star,
the red, drop by drop, was being born.
Pablo Neruda (12/07/1904 - 23/09/1973), escritor chileno considerado um dos grandes e mais influentes poetas do século 20.
Pablo Neruda (July 12, 1904 - September 23, 1973), chilean writer is considered one of the greatest and most influential poets of the 20th century.
the people embroidered them with their tenderness,
sewed the rags with their suffering.
They fastened the star with their burning hands.
And cut, from shirt or firmament,
blue for the country’s star,
the red, drop by drop, was being born.
Pablo Neruda (12/07/1904 - 23/09/1973), escritor chileno considerado um dos grandes e mais influentes poetas do século 20.
Pablo Neruda (July 12, 1904 - September 23, 1973), chilean writer is considered one of the greatest and most influential poets of the 20th century.
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